Code of Conduct
Anti-Ragging Policy
Ragging is a punishable offence. Honorable Supreme Court of India has held as follows, “If any incidents of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given opportunity to be heard and if same is not satisfactory, the concerned authority may expel the concerned student from the institution”.
In Campus
Any act within the campus that may violate or spoil the academic ambience in the College will not be appreciated and the student found guilty of such offence shall be dismissed.
The College conduct regulations include such areas as:
- Plagiarism, cheating on exams, other dishonesty.
- Abuse of electronic resources
- Acts or threats involving the safety of others
- Damaging property
- Sexual or any harassment
- Abuse of alcohol or illicit drugs
- Ragging
Out Side the Campus:
Any complaint or reporting of misbehavior, violence, anti-social, antinational, unethical and immoral activities involving students outside the campus will be dealt with, in accordance with state and central laws that are in force.
College will not take any responsibility for any criminal or non-criminal acts done outside the campus.
Dress Code:
To maintain the college etiquettes, you are advised that you must be properly attired in a manner befitting the status of college students when you are on the campus.
- As per SANKALP COLLEGES norms, each student must achieve 75% attendance in each semester failing which he/she will be detained from appearing in the End Term College Exam.
- Understand and have clear demarcation of tasks and responsibilities of the programme co-ordinators, HODs and Directors.
- Show a consistent behavior throughout their stay in the College.
- Dedicate themselves to learning and acquisition of knowledge and have a positive approach to the real life.
- Observe and develop friendly and humane relations with each other.
- Students are expected to behave decently with faculty members, non-teaching staff and fellow students of the College.
- All students are required to attend classes / labs / tutorials as per the Time-Table.
- Students will be in possession of College Identity Card while they are in the College.
- The students should come to the class room in decent and presentable attire.
- The students should read the notice board daily in order to be informed of important developments and directions.
- To avail the library facilities, the students should obey the rules of the library and should not tear the pages from the books and magazines.
- It is required by all the students to wear prescribed corporate dress while attending the College as well as during their participation in seminars, workshops, conferences, moot court competitions, visit to various industries / organization etc. However, decent formals are permitted during certain occasions as notified from time to time.
- The students should not roam unnecessarily in the lobby and the college premises.
- Roaming and creating nuisance in the college premises, going near other classes, or peeping inside them is prohibited.
- Ragging in any form is banned on the campus and all senior students are asked to adhere to this rule.
- Smoking and use of alcohol are strictly prohibited in the college campus.
- No student will move out of the college campus except during prescribed break as given in the Time- Table
- Malpractice of any kind will not be allowed during the Internals / End Term College Examinations.
- Mobile phones, Electronic devices or other communication devices are not permitted in the examination halls.
- Communication with other candidates is not permitted. If candidate requires assistance, he/she should attract the attention of the invigilator, taking care not to disturb the other candidates.
- Students will not cause any damage to any college property. In case of reported damage / break of any property / building material including class-room furniture, windows / window panes, class-room doors, windows / doors latches, electrical switches, electric boards, fans, regulators, tube lights, fire fighting devices, water coolers / RO filters, computers and computer accessories, Wi-Fi equipment, taps etc., full cost of item(s) will be recovered from the entire class. In addition a penalty of 5000 / – will also be charged.
- Violation of dress code will initiate expulsion.
No student will be permitted inside the college premises without an I-Card.